RAISE COE Project 0

RAISE – CoE – Project

RAISE – CoE – Project Research on AI- and Simulation-Based Engineering at Exascale Center of Excellence RAISE CoE Web Page The CoE RAISE project have received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 – Research and Innovation Framework Programme H2020-INFRAEDI-2019-1 under grant agreement no. 951733 EC Call H2020-INFRAEDI-2019-1 – Topic INFRAEDI-05-2020 RIA Talks and Presentations RAISE WP2 – AI and HPC Cross Methods at Exascale, RAISE CoE Project Kick-off Seminar, January 22, 2021, Online [ Slides ~1.95 MB (pdf) ] Social Media Great to kick-off our CoE RAISE Project together with project coordinator @AndreasLinterm1enabling #AI & #HPC Cross Methods at...

Morris Riedel Research 0

Research – Overview

Research Areas Research of the high productivity data processing research group at Forschungszentrum Juelich – Juelich Supercomputing Centre and University of Iceland focuses on application-driven parallel and scalable machine learning methods including related areas such as feature engineering, statistical data mining, and innovative deep learning techniques. In our projects we are cooperating with academic research groups worldside as well as with selected industry companies including the support of start-ups. Additional funding sources are the European Union or the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. If you are interested in one of these research topics please contact me by email...

Morris Riedel AI4EU 0


AI4EU AI4EU On-Demand Platform AI4EU On-Demand Platform Web Page [ MORE ] H2020 Call ICT-49-2020 – Artificial Intelligence on Demand Platform ICT-49-2020 – Artificial Intelligence on Demand Platform Call Web Page [ MORE ] Today's Webinar with a sneak peek behind the scenes on @AI4EU #EU #AI On-Demand Platform & funding ideas of #H2020 @EU_Commission ICT-49-2020 projects & Q&A on links to @helmholtz_ai @DEEPprojects @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich @Haskoli_Islands @uisens .details: https://t.co/z1KVIGBV2K pic.twitter.com/uMRMs7Jioo — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) April 8, 2020

Morris Riedel Smart City 0

Smart City

Smart City Allianz Smart City Dortmund (German Language) Allianz Smart City Dortmund Web Page [ MEHR ] 137 Allianzpartner – von mittelständischen Betrieben und Start-ups über wissenschaftliche Einrichtungen bis zum Global Player – wirken bei der Allianz Smart City Dortmund Aktiv mit und unterstützen damit die zukünftige Gestaltung der Stadt Dortmund und der Region. DOdata (German Language) DOdata Solutions Web Page [ MEHR ] DOdata – Partner für maßgeschneiderte Daten- und Internet of Things-Lösungen DOdata versteht sich als DataHub und Dienstleister für die zukünftige SmartCity Dortmund. Die Dortmunder Energie- und Wasserversorgung GmbH (DEW21) unterstützt die Entwicklung zur SmartCity von Beginn...

Morris Riedel Cloud Computing 0

Cloud Computing

Cloud Computing Gaia-X Cloud Official English Material

morris riedel transfer learning 0

Transfer Learning

Transfer Learning Online Links OverFeat – a Convolutional Network-based image classifier and feature extractor [ MORE ] Transfer Learning Presentations Riedel, M.: Deep Learning Applications in Science using Transfer Learning, GridKa School Seminar, August 28 – September 1, 2017, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, Campus North, Karlsruhe, Germany [ EVENT ] Abstract: Deep learning models like convolutional neural networks (CNNs) deliver highly accurate results in classification tasks but require large enough data sets and good corresponding labels. However, one key problem in science and engineering is that data sets unfortunately have often only limited labeled data. Using CNNs together with such...

Morris Riedel Remote Sensing 0

Remote Sensing

Remote Sensing Center for Remote Sensing (CRS) at University of Iceland An inter-disciplinary group of researchers that are active in the field of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information Systems at the School of Engineering and Natural Sciences, University of Iceland [ WEBPAGE ] Selected Publications Haut, J.M., Gallardo, J.A., Paoletti, M.E., Cavallaro, G., Plaza, J., Plaza, A., Riedel, M.: Cloud Deep Networks for Hyperspectral Image Analysis, IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, PP(99):1-17, 2019 [ JOURNAL ] [ DOI ] [ GOOGLE SCHOLAR ] [ RESEARCHGATE ] [ MORE ] Cavallaro, G., Riedel, M., Richerzhagen, M., Benediktsson, J., Plaza,...

DEEP Projects 0

DEEP – Projects

DEEP Projects Series of EU Projects DEEP Projects Web Page The DEEP projects have received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7) for research, technological development and demonstration and the Horion2020 (H2020) funding framework under grant agreement no. FP7-ICT-287530 (DEEP), FP7-ICT-610476 (DEEP-ER) and H2020-FETHPC-754304 (DEEP-EST).     Your browser does not support HTML5 audio + video. Social Media Attending @uisens Webinar of my colleague Prof. Helmut Neukirchen yesterday with a sneak peek behind the scenes on how our @DEEPprojects & @EOSC_Nordic projects use #HPC & #ML & @EoscPortal @helmholtz_ai @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich @Haskoli_Islands .details: https://t.co/0N3YATweWS. pic.twitter.com/6flrq653i1 — Morris Riedel...

Morris Riedel Neural Architecture Search 0

Neural Architecture Search

Neural Architecture Search Succesful Examples Succesful NAS example in image classification: Barret Zoph, Vijay Vasudevan, Jonathon Shlens, and Quoc V. Le. Learning transferable, architectures for scalable image recognition. In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018. Succesful NAS example in image classification: Esteban Real, Alok Aggarwal, Yanping Huang, and Quoc V. Le. Aging Evolution for Image Classifier Architecture Search. In AAAI, 2019. Succesful NAS example in object detection: Barret Zoph, Vijay Vasudevan, Jonathon Shlens, and Quoc V. Le. Learning transferable, architectures for scalable image recognition. In Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2018. Succesful NAS example in semantic...