Research Areas
Research of the high productivity data processing research group at Forschungszentrum Juelich – Juelich Supercomputing Centre and University of Iceland focuses on application-driven parallel and scalable machine learning methods including related areas such as feature engineering, statistical data mining, and innovative deep learning techniques.
In our projects we are cooperating with academic research groups worldside as well as with selected industry companies including the support of start-ups. Additional funding sources are the European Union or the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research.
If you are interested in one of these research topics please contact me by email for further information or check out my publications page on which you can find papers, software, and additional material for download.
Current Research Focus
- Investigate new deep learning network topologies that take advantage of innovative parallel computing technologies
- Improve hybrid modeling capabilities in order to better intertwine machine learning modeling with physical modeling
- Addressing scientific and engineering application challenges using High Performance Computing and High Throughput Computing
Publicly Funded Projects
- EuroCC Project – Building National Competence Centers for HPC & AI in Europe (EU Project)
- DEEP-EST: Dynamical Exascale Entry Platform – Extreme Scale Technologies (EU Project)
- SMITH: Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (BMBF Project)
- ON4OFF: Connecting Online Shopping with Offline Shopping using Machine & Deep Learning (EU/NRW EFRE Project)
Selected Impressions from Research Group Activities
Thanks to all achievements by members of my High Productivity Data Processing joint Research Group (Iceland section) of @fz_juelich @fzj_jsc & @Haskoli_Islands @uni_iceland @uisens @DEEPprojects @CoeRaise @EuroHPC_JU @EuroCC_project – Have a great Summer!👉
— Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) June 22, 2021
Thanks to all achievements by members of my High Productivity Data Processing joint Research Group of @fz_juelich @fzj_jsc @helmholtz_ai @helmholtz_de & @Haskoli_Islands @uni_iceland @uisens, including @ernire Ernir driving @DEEPprojects – merry X-MAS!
.— Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) December 13, 2019
Enjoying our yearly research group dinner ‘Iceland Section’ to celebrate our productive collaboration of @uni_iceland @uisens @Haskoli_Islands & @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich & E.Erlingsson @ernire passed mid-term in modular supercomputing driven by @DEEPprojects –
— Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) February 10, 2019
Thanks Dr. D. Alvarez @DAMHPC for a great @easy_build seminar at JSC @fzj_jsc teaching phd students A. Pálsson @AdalsteinnPals & R. Sedano @Rocco_Hashtag of @Haskoli_Islands @uisens @uni_iceland & @fz_juelich to setup deep learning software on modular supercomputers @DEEPprojects
— Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) February 19, 2019
Enjoying our yearly research group dinner ‘German Section’ to celebrate our productive collaboration of @uni_iceland @uisens @Haskoli_Islands & @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich @DEEPprojects & welcome R. Sedona @Rocco_Hashtag & C. Barakat as PHD students to our team!
— Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) March 13, 2019