PRACE Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning – Introduction
PRACE Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning – Introduction Invited Tutorial PRACE Advanced Training Center, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany 2020-02-17 – 2020-02-19 [ EVENT ] Lecture 1 – Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning driven by HPC (pdf, ~14,3 MB) [Morris Riedel] Lecture 2 – Introduction to Machine Learning Fundamentals (pdf, ~5,58 MB) [Morris Riedel] Lecture 3 – Supervised Learning with a Simple Learning Model (pdf, ~8,05 MB) [Morris Riedel] Lecture 4 – Artificial Neural Networks – ANNs (pdf, ~2,73 MB) [Gabriele Cavallaro] Lecture 5 – Introduction to Statistical Learning Theory (pdf, ~2,73 MB) [Morris Riedel] Lecture 6 – Validation and...