Parallel Machine Learning and Deep Learning Driven by HPC Morris Riedel 0

Parallel Machine Learning and Deep Learning Driven by HPC

Parallel Machine Learning and Deep Learning Driven by HPC Invited Talk 4th International Summer School for Big Data and Machine Learning Organized by Competence Center for Scalable Data Services and Solutions (SCADS) and Berlin Big Data Center (BBBC) University of Leipzig, Germany 2018-07-03 [ Event ] [ Slides ~18.8 MB (pdf) ] Invited talk at the 4th Int. Summer School for Big Data & Machine Learning organized by @Sca_DS & @BerlinBDC about parallel machine learning & deep learning driven by hpc & modular supercomputing by @DEEPprojects, @fzj_jsc @fz_juelich & @Haskoli_Islands – — Morris Riedel (@MorrisRiedel) July 4, 2018

2018 Tutorial Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning 0

Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning

Tutorial: Parallel and Scalable Machine Learning Invited Tutorial PRACE Advanced Training Center, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany 2018-01-15 – 2018-01-17 [ EVENT ] Abstract: The course offers basics of analyzing data with machine learning and data mining algorithms in order to understand foundations of learning from large quantities of data. This course is especially oriented towards beginners that have no previous knowledge of machine learning techniques. The course consists of general methods for data analysis in order to understand clustering, classification, and regression. This includes a thorough discussion of test datasets, training datasets, and validation datasets required to learn from data...